Buying gifts for family and friends is one of the most fun parts of the holiday season. Not only is it a thrill to be out in the stores, taking in all the beautiful holiday decorations and enjoying the excitement and good cheer of the other shoppers, but it’s also rewarding to find the perfect gift and see the look on your loved one’s face when they open it on Christmas morning.
This year there’s been a lot of talk about the short holiday shopping season. Traditionally, Christmas shopping kicks off on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. This year, with Thanksgiving coming late in the month, that means there are 6 fewer shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas than there were last year. It’s the shortest shopping season since 2013!
Here at Thruway Center, the talk of a shorter shopping season is nothing to worry about. Why? Because we know a date on the calendar means nothing to the community of shoppers who count on Thruway Center to find the perfect gift for Christmas. Why wait until Black Friday to think about those gifts on your Christmas list? Join the 43% of people who start holiday shopping in November and visit us now. Our stores and restaurants are already decorated and ready to celebrate the magic of the holiday season for weeks to come.
Not only that, we’ve got great events planned to keep you in the holiday mood through Thanksgiving and beyond. Join us on Saturday, December 7, for our annual holiday Open House. This is a fun event for the whole family, with merchants offering special deals and promotions just for that day. Carolers walk along the sidewalks singing your favorite Christmas songs to help enhance the holiday spirit. You’ll also enjoy refreshments of hot chocolate and cookies in some stores, free samples at Kilwin’s, and special activities for the kids.
The wide variety of stores and restaurants at Thruway Center makes it the perfect place to do all of your holiday shopping, whether you’re spending the day looking for gifts for everyone on your list or running by after work for that last-minute present. You don’t want to miss the holiday experience this year at Thruway Center.